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The Like Button Can Now Create Affiliate Income

The little blue thumb is getting more power on Facebook.
The social network has updated its Like button so that it acts more like a Share button, Mashable reported. When a user hits Like on a third-party website that has the button, Facebook will place a full story with a headline, blurb and thumbnail to the user's profile wall. The user will also be able to post a comment.

It also changes how that Like is communicated to contacts. Previously, only a link to the story would appear in the recent activity. Now it won't be so easy to miss because that story will be more prominent in the user's newsfeed.
Vanity Fair said that the cyber thumbs-up sent to friends will be "phrased in such a way as to suggest they're sort of uncool for not liking whatever it is you like."
This could be the end of the Share button, the blog Inside Facebook suggested. The change is expected to increase referrals and induce more sites to add the Like button.
Part of the reason is Likes allow third-parties to publish future updates and drive more traffic. The blog stated that gives the Likes more extended value than Shares and gives more third parties an incentive to use Facebook's social plug-ins.
One thing is sure that the change is likely to increase traffic to publishers' websites.
That is where the innovative affiliate website comes into play. Their claim is that the like button and what they call “natural Like marketing” is a literally goldmine waiting to happen for the average internet marketer. The concept is that the like button now enables the average Facebook user to generate income by fully utilizing this like button technology to share and sell with other people on Facebook.